Wednesday 22 May 2013

Personal Study

I started off my personal study with fauvism, I collected some images of David Hockeny's fauvism artwork.

I then used one of David Hockney's images, edited and broke it up to give a fractured up effect. I like this image as I noticed that the path is purple which is a very unusual colour for a path and something you wouldn't see in real life.

I then looked at Georges Braque, his style is fauvism and his work really caught my eye which is why I included it in my personal study. I like the really bright colours he uses in his landscapes, he also makes his landscapes look like a very peaceful pleace.

I continued my research on fauvist artists and founf Vlaminck. One thing that I like about his work in particular the dabs of colour he uses. Vlamink also focuses on landscapes and also makes them look a very peaceful place, they are somewhere I'd like to be.

I then moved on to looking at cubist artists. I started off with Juan Gris who is a famous artist who focuses his work on cubism. I like Gris' work as it is interesting to look at, some of his work is based on still life however, he has done some cubisy landscapes. I dedcided to do my own piece of work in the style of Juan Gris which is shown on the left, this is in my own style as i chose to use more brighter colours rather than the basic brown colours Gris usually uses. 

Another cubist artist I included in my personal study was Pablo Picasso who is well know for his cubism artwork. The main thing about Picasso's work that caught my eye was that most of his cubism work was of portratis. This was interesting as it is unusual for cubism artwork to be portraits of people, they're ususally of still life, or objects. I like the way Picasso normally uses one image. the image on the left is a piece of my own work in the style of Picasso.

In my personal study I also included an artist named James Rosenquest. One thing that caught my eye was the way he mixes up different images, some images our very unusual. For example, the spagetti with the face and the car, it's not something you would normally see, this is something that I find really interesting about his work. I chose to do a biro drawing of the bottle in one image. I liked this because it has different shades of greens, so I used the biro to create different shades of blue.

Thw final artist I used was Tom Wesslemann. I liked his work because it was more of a pop-art style. His work is normally of still life but some of his work focuses on the woman's figure. One thing that caught my eye is the bright block colours he uses in his work.

These are more images of Tom Wesslemann's work.

This is a piece of my own work I did in the style of Tom Wesslemann using one of his images. I chose to link together each object to make it my own and to look more interesting.


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