Wednesday 22 May 2013


For this project I chose to focus on young women and their lifestyle which is why i took my own photographs of what women use such as make up etc. I then decided to mix up parts of the different images.

This is another image where I cut parts out of different images and put them together in a different way.
I then chose to do an etching of one of my broken up images. I like this because you can see where the images are broken up by the straight lines.

These are a few more etchings I did of the same image above.

This is my final piece, I did in oil paint. I like this piece as I used really bright floresent colours which make the image catch people attention. I also like the way I blended in the colours for example, on the lips at the bottom right, I also like the way the pink lips fit well with the bright green back ground, it makes the lips stand out.

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